A Toast to the Bride

It is said that love is the recognition of one’s counterpart in another,

And when my mom met my dad, she knew there was no other.

Although time and fate had separated them for many a year,

Their hearts were drawn back to one another, and that’s why we’re here.

Through all the laughter, humility, tears, joy and resistance,

We commend their love, as it has come a great distance.

We look upon this woman who believes in determination and resilience,

Who loves so fiercely, we can’t help but be inspired by its brilliance.

We see her kindness, her patience, her generosity, her grace;

And we feel her sincerity and compassion in every embrace.

We are blessed to be part of her inner circle, her clan,

And we are grateful to witness her journey, His extraordinary plan.


Together, we celebrate Lois on this very special day in her life,

For she has tied the knot with Raymond, and she is now his beautiful wife.

So, I ask you to raise your glass to my mom, to the bride,

Who has been reunited with her counterpart, this great Scottish pride.

May their love continue to grow, with lots of laughter, joy and fun,

From this day forward, two counterparts, bound together as one.

To The Bride!


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